Stress is one of the major contributors to modern ailments and affects most of us at some stage in our daily lives
Dealing with everyday life shouldn't be stressful! Yet many of us like to complicate it by working long days and not enjoying the essence of living life. In other words, it is all about LIVING, not letting life run you. Many of us may be aware of what is causing our stress e.g. a hectic work/life balance, work and/or family issues, relationship difficulties, anxiety, information overload, or avoiding challenging situations and so on. But the majority of us don't have the tools and knowledge to change it. This is why we develop behaviours and continue to repeat pattern that don't serve us. As Albert Einstien once quoted:
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”
Kinesiology is a natural therapy that uses a holistic approach to stress management by addressing your fight/flight response. Giving you the opportunity to feel less stressed and make better choices from a relaxed state of body and mind. Instead of repeating the same response over and over again, your neurology can show you better options to reduce your stress.
If stressful situations become chronic, then other disorders such as anxiety, depression, Gut issues, fears and habits can take over your life. Mental illness has exponentially escalated in the last 2 years in Australia. Stress has become prevelant and is a normal part of everyday life. So it's good to be aware of how your emotional issues can be triggered through you. This includes; family dynamics, environmental, social, trauma, chronic stress, health, grief and emotional distress.
What makes Kinesiology unique is its ability to facilitate long term healing through your subconscious mind, which is done by assessing the origin of stress through muscle testing. This will then allow the removal of triggers and energy blockages causing the stress and in turn stimulates the body's own intelligence to self-heal through the energetic system.
Have you tried various modalities before with minimal results? I would say you probably have and that's why you are reading this!
Do you answer yes to any of these questions?
* Do you know you are holding your breath under stressful situations?
* Do you feel overwhemed with too much to do?
* Are you grinding your teeth at night?
* Are struggling with chronic fatigue?
* Reaching for alcohol to relax?
* Do you have restless sleep and wake unrefreshed?
* Are you avoiding social gatherings?
* Are you worried about being judged by opinions?
If you answer yes to the any of the above and feel Kinesiology is for you, I'm happy to have a chat so give me a call or send me an email.
How can Kinesiology treat stress
Kinesiology addresses the trigger of your stress by using your biofeedback system. A kinesiologist uses the muscular system, called ‘muscle monitoring' to find out how you want to start addressing the stress, so you can bring your body back into balance. What does this mean? We find out where the distress first originated. The body remembers every stressand holds that information at the subconscious level. If the levels of stress are not dealt with, symptoms will manifest either mentally, emotionally or physically. We then find the best neurological solution (correction to reduce your stress hormones) to put your body systems back into your natural state of balance that is specific to you.
Whatever the trigger that causes you stress, kinesiology treatment can help. It covers a wide range of health issues, including mild to chronic conditions, which may cause debilitating symptoms. Remember you don't need to be sick to see a Kinesiologist, however I would recommend earlier intervention leads to living a stress-free earlier. I have treated many forms of stress from chronic conditions over the decades. By retraining the muscles and nervous system, a Kinesiologist can open new pathways to addressing mental health issues and physical ailments like fertility, depression, weight loss, women's health which can all be associated with stress.
Treating wholistically can help cultivate positive change and improve your overall health and well-being.
Benefits of Kinesiology for Stress
Some of the benefits that regulate your level of stress include:
- Improve your brain function for a clearer mindset in professional settings
- Confidence to address challening situations
- Improves physical, emotional and mental health
- Managing physical and mental stress positively and with ease
- No longer getting overwhelmed with stressful workloads
- Balanced work / family lifestyle
Melbourne Kinesiology Health Services for Emotional Stress Release
If you're seeking assistance with finding a professional Kinesiologist with 25 years of clinical experience for stress. Michele Hansen of Sanctuary of the Heart is a highly accomplished Kinesiologist based in Ringwood Victoria. With my holistic approach, knowledge and expertise I help you find where you're stuck and assist you to manage your stress response and to cultivate a solid foundation for long term wellbeing and improved quality of life. Michele can help create solutions to manage your stress response easily and effectively.
Are you looking for a Kinesiology service near you? All kinesiology sessions are held at our wellness studio, Sanctuary of the Heart. Online consultations can be arranged via request. All session are private and confident and we ensure a warm welcoming and safe space to enhance your recuperation. Contact us today!