"Our life circumstances is a reflection of our thoughts, experiences and core beliefs, which become your biography.  When we remember who we are and begin to let go of life circumstances, then we have the opportunity to rewrite our future!"        Michele Hansen

I have always been interested in vibrational and the mindbody medicine connection, which I was introduced to when I was a 21 years old.  I was fortunate enough to hear Wayne Dyer speak at a seminar with other speakers who conversed about the mind-energetic connection.  I became fascinated with how emotions and our thoughts were linked to illnesses. This fascination led me to reading many books gathering information and knowledge which guided me towards studying Natural Medicine. 

My aim is to provide simplified health solutions to assist with good health on an physical, emotional and mental level as well as improving your ability to recuperate and achieve long term healing.  Since having my son Tobias, I have found a new passion for the health and nutritional needs of children, which has also led to assisting many women with healthy pregnancies and adjusting to life as a new parent. 
I first qualified as a Naturopath and Kinesiologist over 25 years ago and since then continued to study various modalities such as Kinesiopathy, Herbal and Nutritional Medicine to Reiki, Metatronic healing, Pilates and meditation.  Whilst working with my clients I felt like there was still a piece of the puzzle missing with recuperation, so I started researching.  When the timing was right I found a Medical Intuition course, becoming a qualified Medical Intuition teacher. Seeking to expand my energetic connection, I continued studying Quantum Consciousness with Peter Smith at the Institute of Quantum Consciousness.  

I was able to use the knowledge from the Medical Intuition modules and integrate my new skills with clients which provided a profoundly deeper connection.  I was  becoming more aware of my  awakening to the illusion of separateness.  I am continuing to learn daily that we are all connected to everything and how to start living again from the heart. This deeper connection propelled my work and gave a greater level of understanding of how we manifest dis-eases. With this deeper understanding I am able to incorporated more tools such as like crystals, as they aid in our path of transformation.  As we start connecting with our hearts and tune in, we remember there is no separation, together we create long term changes in both my clients and my own life.   

I feel privileged and honoured that my clients share so much of themselves and their lives with me. Using wisdom and gentle guidance, I get to observe people tuning into the essence of themselves. It is a gift to be involved with my client's as they awaken and watch them embrace their connectedness, oneness, compassion and respect for themself and our universe we live in.

As a result, after many years of facilitating various modalities, in 2018 I was called to create ‘Intuitive Communication and Vibrational Medicine’ a course which gives others the opportunity to explore and develop their intuitive nature. If you have a knowing, a yearning to discover how to tune into energy and read vibration, or a need to embrace your special abilities and gifts. This course was foundered by noticing people needed to know to open up their psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentient and enhance their divine essence of who they truly are. It’s a process to assist you in expanding ancient knowledge and wisdom beyond the physical realm to learn about consciousness, metaphysical, Quantium science and to awaken to feel the rhythm of life and tap into true potentiality.



Bachelor of Health Science (Natural Medicine)

Graduate Diploma of Complementary Therapies

Associate Diploma in Health Science (Naturopathy)

Diploma in Herbal Medicine and Diploma in Nutrition

Level 6 Specialist Kinesiology practitioner and a qualified Brain Gym® Practitioner and teacher

Medical Intuitive Facilitator and Teacher

Quantum Consciousness training at Institute of Quantum Consciousness


Australian Traditional Medicine Society - Fellow

Australian Kinesiology Association

Brain Gym® International.