Intuitive Communication & Vibrational Medicine

(incorporates; Medical Intuition | Intuitive Healing |Accessing Energy Fields

- 6 Days Intuitive Practitioner Urban Retreat -

- Advanced Practitioner Retreat -

2020 ICVM group photo Jan 2021.jpg

6 Days Practitioner Urban Retreat MELBOURNE

  • No Pre-requisite

  • Program consists of 6 days of face to face workshops,

  • 1 webinars/zoom sessions plus BONUS

  • Nourishing Lunch provided & tea breaks

  • Participants approved after a successful conversation

  • SPACES available for 2024 course enquire now


  • Workshop Day 1 - May 7th

  • Workshop Day 2 - May 8th

  • Workshop Day 3 - May 9th

  • Workshop Day 4 - May 10th

  • Workshop Day 5 - May 11th

  • Workshop Day 6 - May 12th

TIME: 9.00am-5.00pm

COST: $2,799 full payment


OR Payment Plan: $2,799 consisting of -

Four (4) Monthly instalments of $699 prior to 1/5/2024

Advanced Practitioner Retreat MELBOURNE

  • Previous experience with Clients or | Urban Retreat Program

  • Program consists of 6 days of face to face workshops

  • 1 webinars/zoom sessions plus BONUS

  • Nourishing Lunch provided daily & tea breaks

  • Participants approved after a successful interview

  • SPACES available for 2024 course enquire now


  • Workshop 1 - October 22nd

  • Workshop 2 - October 23rd

  • Workshop 3 - October 24th

  • Workshop 4 - October 25th

  • Workshop 5 - October 26th

  • Workshop 6 - October 27th

TIME: 9.00am-5.00pm

COST: $2,799 full payment


OR Payment Plan: $2,799 by arrangement



6 Day Intuitive Urban Retreat & Advanced Practitioner Retreat

Intuitive Communication and Vibrational Medicine courses are uniquely different as they are designed to assist you in making a connection to your Higher Authentic Self thus healing yourself and thereby creating enormous changes in your life. 

This Course incorporates face to face development with the bonus of education delivered via Webinars or Zoom sessions. By integrating decades of wisdom and knowledge from Michele Hansen’s own professional and personal journey, with original teachings and channeling information, you are guided through a process to raise your frequency to the fifth dimension, where connection to energetic pathways, like a highway of information to expand your awareness and frequencies into multi-dimensional portals of your light body accessing Universal Consciousness.

Some of the Ancient original teachings were from records during Atlantis, Lemuria, Greece, Egypt, Medieval, Mayan and other dimensions.  This wisdom and knowledge shared by ancient Sharman, High Priestesses and Priests, included the Primary Universal Laws such as law of reflection, vibration which entails when we think, speak or send out vibrations, everything in the Universe vibrates and responds, everything vibrates a frequency of energy.  We have forgotten these laws which has been written in forms of hieroglyphics, cave painting, ancient books and scrolls has been hidden and its existence forgotten.

Our Intuitive Communication and Vibrational Medicine 6 month program will assist you in bringing forth and integrating all the learning’s, tools and techniques such as Quantum physics, metaphysical healing and new age therapies which allow you to develop your intuition, gifts, talents and ability knowing anything is possible.  At the same time opening your innate wisdom and reconnecting to new possibilities, resulting in the highest levels of joy, abundance and the prospect to manifest your destiny to feel alive, happy and empowered again.

All experiences in all lifetimes are a holographic pattern, as our body holds onto experiences, thoughts and beliefs which reflects everything we feel, think and do we manifest.  You can redesign your outcome! Yes change and become your own director in your life! By cleaning the slate of ‘old patterns’ such as fears, habits, beliefs that no longer serve you and rewrite your story be your true authentic self and manifest your heart’s desires.

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Benefits of Intuitive Communication and Vibrational Medicine (ICVM) Courses:

  • To gain a deeper understanding of disease and how it manifests in your body

  • By allowing yourself to experience E-motions and to apply this ancient wisdom you can be on a new path to recovery from disease

  • Learn to be mindful of what you think, feel to manifest anything

  • Designed to assist you in creating new patterns of awareness of how to achieve in life and to feel fulfilled in who you are and what you do

  • To awaken you to your awareness that you can have your heart’s desire

  • Give you tools and techniques to develop your innate abilities and intuition

  • To bring clarity to in knowing what you want?

  • Gain knowledge in yourself and how this reflects on you and others

  • How to use this modality on yourself, clients and family

  • To use Intuitive Communication with existing modalities

Each Intuitive Communication Workshop (10 inclusive) has a different themes which builds from one face to face workshop to another to create knowledge and wisdom therefore, greater potential to raise your vibration.

Workshop 1
Investigates what is Intuitive Communication? Enables you to discovers where your ancient wisdom and philosophy comes from, and gives a deeper awareness of how the energetic systems in the human body manifests dis-ease and the emotional link.  Leaning how to open your awareness and innate intuition through an awakened of your own state of mind, and to connect to consciousness (universal mind) where you can change your vibrational state of being. To connect to your light bodies and expand towards a higher vibrations, accessing various dimensions.

Workshop 2 to 4
Awakened to Higher Vibrations through the primary chakras, crystal healing, rune stones, oracle cards, sacred geometry, crystals and how to activate the chakra system and meridians their relationship to disease. How to open your connection to your hight consciousness and bring forth your power and love, grace and presence with ease.

Workshop 5


Discovering the energetic healing of Hypnotherapy in a way that serves the person’s own healing. Tuning into what they need to release, let go and amplying tools and techniques by tuning into the energy surrounding these ‘old pattern’ and refocusing how they need to recuperate.

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Workshop 5 to 6

Connecting on a deep level with vibrational healing, opening the chakras using sound and toning, spiritual healing whilst connecting to ancient wisdom and knowing. Remembering who we are, an essence of source, and bringing forth your own unique talents and gifts for healing. These workshops allow you to transcend after releaseing old belief pattern, fears, habits and discover you vibrational source for assisting recuperating. Accessing the subtle fields of energy allows growth, change, enhancement and greater awareness of your purpose at this moment in time. Becoming aware of all that is and that will be.

Workshop 7 Advanced Practitioner Urban Retreat

Brain Gym® is a movement based programme which uses simple movements to integrate the whole brain, senses and body, preparing the person with the physical skills they need to learn effectively and easily. Incorporating 26 easy and enjoyable targeted activities, Brain Gym® develops the brain's neural pathways the way nature does – through movement - and can be used to improve a wide range of learning, attention and behaviour skills. Educational Kinesiology and Brain Gym® are the result of many years of research into learning and brain function by Dr Paul Dennison. It integrates the body and mind to bring about rapid and often dramatic improvements in concentration, memory, reading, writing, organizing, listening, physical coordination and more.

Who does Brain Gym® help?

Improving functioning and life quality to help children and adults with challenges, for example, memory, communication skills, anxiety, dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD and many other ailments. Brain Gym® is now used by people from all walks of life from education to the arts, business, healthcare, sport and personal development.

What does it help?

The improvement in whole brain function that can result from use of the Brain Gym® movements has benefits such as:

  • energising and balancing the mind, emotions and physical body to excel using your whole brain

  • communication skills and language development

  • self-development and personal stress management

  • the achievement of goals, both professional and personal

Workshop 8 to 9 Advanced Practitioner Urban Retreat
The practice of Law of vibration, gratitude, love and connecting to the awareness of transformational awakening (reform your connection) to the integration of all things. To know and be fully conscious of everything is vibrational energy and to break through the illusions of disconnection to the consciousness or universal mind. Connecting to other realms and dimensions, allowing self-realisations. Knowing you are breaking through ‘old patterns’ such as limiting beliefs, fear and habits to create freedom in mind, body and spirit. Releasing and letting go of ego, contracts, vows to manifest freedom, creativity, wisdom, abundance and our heart’s desires.

Workshop 10 Advanced Practitioner Urban Retreat

Bringing together all that you have experienced, remembered, with a deepened sense of knowing, knowledge and skills to share with clients, colleagues and family. You will have an understanding of what it means to come from ‘heart space’ a place of compassion. You take forward the awareness and wisdom of the Universal Laws from; law of love, law of gratitude, law of truth; law of karma; law of reflection, law of forgiveness into consciousness. You will have access to a highly effective learning system that enables you to work with vibrational medicine, offering sessions incorporating; intuitive energy healings, medical intuition, addressing conflicting beliefs systems, pain and hurts. To be open to continual growth, embracing change, enhancing your awareness whilst transforming and reconnecting to your purpose of being. Transcending!

Intuitive Communication & Vibrational Medicine courses are accredited with International Energetic Healers Association (IEHA).  On completion of the six workshops you have the opportunity to be registered as an Intuitive Communication and Vibrational Medicine Practitioner.

For further information contact Michele Hansen, Melbourne Australia on mobile +61 0409 945 406

To secure your spot select your preferred payment option and I look forward to meeting you in Workshop 1. I will be in touch prior to the course to confirm further information and arrangements.


2024 Full Day Workshop MELBOURNE

No Pre-requisite

MELBOURNE - 6 Day Intuitive Practitioner Urban Retreat

- Tuesday May 7th - Sunday May 12th , 2024

TIME: 9.00am-5.00pm

VENUE: Sanctuary of the Heart Studio, Ringwood.

DEPOSIT: $1500.00

MELBOURNE - Advanced Intuitive Practitioner Retreat

  • Tuesday October 22nd - Sunday October 27th, 2024

Venue: Phillip Island, Victoria.

DEPOSIT: $1500

Register NOW to book your seat!

MELBOURNE INTAKE are open for an interview now!


Intuitive Practitioner Urban Retreat Workshop 1 and Workshop 2


This Workshop gives you taste of how to tune into your awareness of how to sense, feel, see energy. To explore your abilities of in attaining greater insight and wisdom on your gifts and talents in your daily life. Discover a simple skills, tools and techniques that has worked for my clients for decades in my profession as a professional practitioner of Medical Intuition, Kinesiology, Naturopath, Herbalist and Quantum Consciousness.

My passion is to assist you to raise your level of awareness and and awaken your true potential, that is to connect with your higher self , other realms, dimensions and consciousness with grace and ease.

Contact us for more details to book you seat.
